Model: Ky

Percolating Pixels Photography
(This Site best viewed in landscape mode)
Model: Ky
Leica, California, Leica M10R, Trail, Photoshop
Model: Violet Pixie
REMOTE LEARNING CONTINUES: The world is 20 degrees warmer, Trump is still President, and several dozen new pandemic viruses are identified every year. The year is 2045.
Violet Pixie #Leica #Monochrom #violetpixie @violetspixie #noai #noaiart @original_violet_pixie @alisa_pillar
Model: Arianne Goolsby
Haight-Ashbury 2-23-2024
Morpheus: “Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?” (The Matrix)
Model: Ali Pakiser #noai #noaiart
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