The Haunter of the Dark

“At last he saw the tower plain against the southwest, and a huge stone bulk rose darkly at the end of an alley. Presently he stood in a windswept open square, quaintly cobblestoned, with a high bank wall on the farther side. This was the end of his quest; for upon the wide, iron-railed, weed-grown plateau which the wall supported—a separate, lesser world raised fully six feet above the surrounding streets—there stood a grim, titan bulk whose identity, despite Blake’s new perspective, was beyond dispute.” –

The Haunter of the Dark (HP Lovecraft)

#Leica #Zeiss #Opton #Sonnar #Chinatown #SanFrancisco


“Barb Howard” #fallout

Model: Jasmine McBanks

“But when the bombs drop, a 2-hour drive ain’t gonna cut it. So yes, there will be no dogs in the Vault, and no, none of it is ideal. But if billions of people are going to lose their lives, I will do whatever it takes to make sure the people I love — that is you and that is Janey — aren’t among them.”


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