Dracula’s Daughter

Dracula’s Daughter
#leicacamera #CCD Leica #Monochrom #Summarex #October
Model: Jamie Lyn #draculasdaughter Jamie Lyn
Percolating Pixels Photography
(This Site best viewed in landscape mode)
Dracula’s Daughter
#leicacamera #CCD Leica #Monochrom #Summarex #October
Model: Jamie Lyn #draculasdaughter Jamie Lyn
1239 First Street, New Orleans
The Mayfair Witches Anne Rice #1239firststreet #NewOrleans #gardendistrictnola #thewitchinghour Percolatingpixelphotos.com
Sometimes in San Francisco you get lucky and you get a perfect sunny day that is the perfect temperature and you wander around taking photos, eating iced cream, trying not to get sun burnt because all your sunscreen is expired because you don’t use it in the freezing fog (tho GG uses it every day), and everything is perfect.
Beauty truly is where you find it. have a nice long weekend if you can. go outside. find some reason to smile.
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